This magnet serves to signal the water level so will impact the amount of coffee that is brewed. Make sure that the magnet on the water reservoir is not jammed.

Make sure that the water reservoir has sufficient water and follow the steps above for removing air bubbles.First, unplug the machine and check the entrance and exit needles for a clog by clearing out as noted in #2 above.The following steps will help you troubleshoot the situation when your Keurig only brews a half cup of coffee. This problem is most likely caused by clogged needles. Keurig 2.0/Plus Needle Cleaning Tool via 3. Note: If you have the Keurig Plus, the tool should have been included in the box, so check first and see if you have it before buying! The entrance needles (the ones that puncture the k-cup) can be cleaned with the Keurig Needle Cleaning Tool if the machine is a Keurig 2.0 or Keurig Plus. The exit needle can usually be unclogged using a straightened paper clip ( always make sure the machine is unplugged and be careful of the sharp entrance needles at the top when trying to manually clear clogs). Grounds may be clogging the entrance or exit needles (where the liquid flows through).Before turning on again, make sure to pour out water in the reservoir to below the fill line. This situation can normally be corrected by powering off and unplugging your Keurig, filling the water reservoir to the top, and then giving the machine a couple of gentle shakes. Air bubbles trapped in the machine may be interfering with the brewing.

You can buy Keurig descaling solution here.